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We are passionate about giving recognition to the team responsible for delivering projects - so much so that we created a digital platform to display construction project boards and pin the exact location of the projects on a dedicated map that can be accessed through a website. Physical boards also provide quick access with a QR code directly to the digital board. Check out

Out of the Box:
Digital Project Boards

The Project Boards initiative was kicked off in 2020 allowing construction projects to display team details digitally on a centralised map. These photos show some of the ways in which we have implemented this on construction projects. 



Give a Dog A Home:
Dog Kennel Donations


In 2022 Framecore undertook to donate a dog kennel for each project undertaken and gave our professional team the same opportunity. RLB, Igual, MLC, WAUW Architects and Safe Working Practice are some professionals who donated with Framecore. 

The Dog Kennel Initiative that was started in 2022 was done in collaboration with R.A.D (Rescued Animal Drive), a non-profit organisation focussed on helping abandoned or homeless dogs and other animals find a home. 


A Bright Future:
Student Internships 

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Over the past three years we have formed a particularly strong bond with the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in taking on and placing interns on our sites and office to gain experience.

Framecore has since our inception taken a keen interest in engaging with and taking on students from institutions such as the False Bay College and Cape Peninsula University of Technology as interns with the aim of showing these students the ropes on construction sites and ultimately offer them the opportunity of employment to those with exceptional promise. Once a month a construction short course is presented by our directors or senior managers covering a relevant topic such as H&S, Programming, Claims, Technical Skills amongst other.


Seriously Safe:
MBA 5 Star Grading

We take safety seriously at Framecore. Selected projects are entered into the MBAWC Safety Awards. Our Fedex Cargo project received a 5 star safety grading, while our Joshua Generation Church project received a 4 star safety grading.  


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The Master Builder's (MBWC) Occupational Health & Safety Star Grading for construction sites is arguably one of the most stringent evaluations for construction sites for safety criteria. We endevour to meet these standards on all our sites and enter select projects into the competition. 

Credit Where Credit Is Due:
Monthly Staff Achievers

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Framecore (Pty) Ltd is a registered member of the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC), the Master Builder’s Association of the Western Cape (MBA), The Federated Employers Mutual Assurance Company (FEM), The Building Industry Bargaining Council of Cape Town (BIBC) and Framecore Ubambiswano (Pty) Ltd is a Level 2 BEE Contributor. 

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Tel: 021 180 1653    I   I    Unit 2, No. 5 Imola Close, Killarney Gardens, 7441    

© 2023 Proudly Created In-House at Framecore

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