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The Framecore leaders have diverse backgrounds and skills developed over the last 30 years in the industry. These skills have been refined in our ability to lead teams on all fronts of business delivery, but with a specific focus on our projects. 


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Dale Gay

Director and Founder

Dip. Construction Management (WP Technical College)


Johan Bezuidenhout

Director and Founder

Hons. Construction Management (UCT), Masters in Property Studies (UCT), MBA (UCT)


Between our leaders, we have more than a 88 years of experience in the construction industry, which spans from Johannesburg, Namibia, Botswana, Durban but predominantly the Western Cape. We call Cape Town home :) 

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Our leadership team have been involved in big and small projects over the years, totalling more than R3.5 billion between them. Our strategic focus for projects in Framecore and Framecore Ubambiswano range ideally between R5 mil. and R50 mil in value with spans of 1 to 12 months to deliver. We are of course always evolving and keen for a challenge!

Jaco Esterhuyse

Head of Cost Surveying

N Dip Building (CPUT), B Tech Quantity Surveying (CPUT)

Rob Barratt

Head of Operations

BSC. Construction Economics & Management (UCT),  Hons. Construction Management (UCT)

Adrian Hammond

Head of Commercial

National Diploma in Building( CPUT), B Tech Quantity Surveying (CPUT)

Meet our leadership team. Johan, Dale, Jaco, Rob and Adrian have the expertise, experience and skillsets developed over years to provide a well rounded and professional Framecore offering. 


Framecore (Pty) Ltd is a registered member of the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC), the Master Builder’s Association of the Western Cape (MBA), The Federated Employers Mutual Assurance Company (FEM), The Building Industry Bargaining Council of Cape Town (BIBC) and Framecore Ubambiswano (Pty) Ltd is a Level 2 BEE Contributor. 

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Tel: 021 180 1653    I   I    Unit 2, No. 5 Imola Close, Killarney Gardens, 7441    

© 2023 Proudly Created In-House at Framecore

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